Advice from an eighteen year old


I’m at that point in my life where each day my decision changes on what I want to do. Thankfully I have this piece of machinery where I can vent my emotions and feelings onto and then publish it for the entire world to see.

We all do it, about all sorts of different things, and it’s okay and also completely normal, but I’ve put together a list of things that people worry about too much. I am not writing this as a laid back person who simply does not stress, I am writing this because I myself am a worrier.

I said worry a lot in that.

1. Money

Overhead view of a pile of English money. Image shot 2009. Exact date unknown.Life revolves around it. You literally cannot afford to be poor nowadays or you simply will not survive. It’s completely ludicrous! People spend all their lives working to pay out for the crap stuff… I say, sod the crap stuff. You live a negative life with a negative mind, money gives you more choices and more opportunities, so the more money you have… The more choices you have. Work hard and have fun with what you earn!

(I have lived by this rule almost always, I am very skint now but I have had a lot of fun!!!)

2. Relationships

Sometimes, things are how they are, and there isn’t much you can do about it. As Jesse Eisenberg said on Zombieland… Enjoy the little things. You’ll probably nag your boyfriend that he never buys you flowers or he never does grand gestures, and although that is nice for special occasions, look for it in the little things. Making you a cup of tea or telling stupid jokes to make you laugh, because at the end of the day love is in everything.

3. LIFE FunnyPart-com-this_is_life

It sucks, but it’s also the most amazing thing.  And it’s yours to completely mould into whatever it is you may like. When you feel like doing something just do it, don’t hold back because although it seems like forever life is extremely short. Do what makes you happy when it makes you happy. Listen to your kids! I know we have a bad reputation for being insane and crazy, but when you think about it… We have all of your knowledge that you’ve taught us and we also have our own knowledge, so we’re twice as savvy!

Although I’ll never stop going to my mum for advice.

So this week, don’t hold back. Say hi to the person you’ve aways wanted to say hello to, or say sod off to the person you hate! Don’t sugar coat things and don’t be afraid to do anything, everything happens for a reason and even if you don’t know what that is just yet, everything will be fine in the end!